Is It Better To Sand Or Pressure Wash A Fence?

So you’ve noticed that your fence is looking a bit weathered and worn, and now you’re left wondering what’s the best way to bring it back to life. The age-old question arises: is it better to sand or pressure wash a fence? Well, fret not, dear friend, because we’re here to shed some light on this common dilemma. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both methods, equipping you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision and restore your fence to its former glory. Say goodbye to a lackluster fence and hello to a rejuvenated outdoor space in no time!


Maintaining a fence is an important task to ensure its longevity and preserve its appearance. Two common methods for fence maintenance are sanding and pressure washing. Sanding involves smoothing the surface of the fence by removing loose paint, rough spots, and splinters. On the other hand, pressure washing utilizes high-pressure water to remove dirt, grime, mildew, and algae from the fence. In this article, we will explore the processes, benefits, drawbacks, and factors to consider when deciding whether to sand or pressure wash a fence.

Sanding a Fence

Sanding a fence involves several steps to achieve a smooth and even surface. First, you need to prepare the area by removing any loose or peeling paint. Once the paint is stripped, you can proceed to sand the fence using either sandpaper or a power sander. The goal is to create a smooth surface by removing rough spots, splinters, and imperfections.

The pros of sanding a fence are many. Sanding helps in creating a clean canvas for repainting or re-staining the fence. It also allows you to remove any rough areas that could potentially cause injury. Additionally, sanding can extend the life of the fence by preventing the spread of rot or decay.

However, there are some cons to consider when sanding a fence. It can be a time-consuming process, especially for larger fences. Sanding by hand can also be physically demanding, especially if you have a large surface area to cover. Furthermore, sanding may not completely remove deep stains or ingrained dirt, requiring additional treatments.

Pressure Washing a Fence

Pressure washing offers a quick and efficient method of cleaning a fence. The process involves using a high-pressure water spray to remove dirt, grime, mildew, algae, and other debris from the fence. Pressure washing machines come in different types, such as gas-powered or electric, and can be rented or purchased for the task.

The pros of pressure washing a fence are evident. It is a fast and effective way to remove dirt and grime buildup, resulting in a cleaner and brighter fence. Pressure washing can also eliminate mildew and algae growth, improving the overall appearance of the fence. Additionally, it saves time and effort compared to manual cleaning methods.

However, there are certain drawbacks to pressure washing. Excessive pressure or improper technique can damage the surface of the fence, particularly if it is made of delicate materials. Care must be taken to avoid gouging or splintering the wood or removing paint or stain. Moreover, pressure washing may not be as effective in removing deep stains or ingrained dirt.

Factors to Consider

When deciding whether to sand or pressure wash your fence, several factors should be taken into consideration.

Type of fence material

The type of material your fence is made of plays a crucial role in determining the most suitable maintenance method. Sanding is generally suitable for wooden fences as it helps in preparing the surface for refinishing. Pressure washing, on the other hand, can be used for a variety of materials such as vinyl, metal, or composite fences.

Extent of dirt and grime buildup

If your fence has minimal dirt or grime accumulation, pressure washing can be a sufficient method to restore its cleanliness. However, if there are stubborn stains, peeling paint, or rough spots, sanding might be necessary to achieve a smooth and even surface.

Weather conditions

Consider the weather conditions when deciding whether to sand or pressure wash a fence. Sanding is best done in dry weather to allow the surface to fully dry before applying any paint or stains. Pressure washing, on the other hand, can be done during mild weather conditions, but it is advisable to avoid extreme heat or freezing temperatures.

Time and effort required

Evaluate the time and effort you are willing to invest in fence maintenance. Sanding can be a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, especially for larger fences. Pressure washing, while quicker, still requires time and effort to ensure thorough cleaning and proper technique.

When to Sand a Fence

Sanding is often recommended in specific situations to address certain issues.

Fence with loose or peeling paint

If your fence has paint that is peeling or coming off, sanding is necessary to remove the loose paint and create a smooth surface. Sanding prepares the fence for repainting or re-staining, providing a fresh and even finish.

Fence with rough or splintered surface

A fence with rough spots or splinters can be a safety hazard. Sanding helps in smoothing out the surface, making it safer and more comfortable to touch or lean against.

When to Pressure Wash a Fence

Pressure washing is a great option when your fence is showing signs of dirt, grime, mildew, or algae accumulation.

Fence with mildew or algae growth

If your fence has developed unsightly mildew or algae, pressure washing can effectively remove the growth, restoring the fence’s clean appearance. Pressure washing also helps prevent further growth and the associated damage.

Fence with heavy dirt or debris accumulation

Over time, fences can become covered in dirt, dust, and other debris. Pressure washing can easily remove these layers of buildup, revealing a fresh and clean surface.

Combining Sanding and Pressure Washing

In some cases, it may be beneficial to combine the techniques of sanding and pressure washing for optimal fence maintenance.

Sequential process of sanding and pressure washing

By using both sanding and pressure washing, you can achieve a comprehensive approach to fence maintenance. Start by sanding the fence to create a smooth and even surface. Then, follow up with pressure washing to remove any remaining dirt, grime, or debris. This combination can deliver excellent results, providing a clean and refreshed fence.

Benefits of combining both methods

Combining sanding and pressure washing can offer the best of both worlds. Sanding ensures the fence is free from roughness, splinters, and loose paint, while pressure washing eliminates dirt, grime, mildew, and algae. This dual approach not only improves the appearance of the fence but also helps prolong its lifespan.

Precautions and Safety Measures

Regardless of whether you choose to sand or pressure wash your fence, it is important to take certain precautions and safety measures.

Protective gear and clothing

When sanding or pressure washing, make sure to wear appropriate protective gear, including safety goggles, gloves, and sturdy shoes. This will protect you from potential injuries or accidents that may arise during the maintenance process.

Environmental concerns

Pay attention to the environmental impact of your maintenance activities. If you are using chemicals or cleaning agents during pressure washing, choose environmentally friendly options. Avoid allowing any debris or cleaning materials to enter storm drains or waterways.

Proper handling of equipment

Whether you are sanding or pressure washing, ensure that you are familiar with the equipment and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Improper use can result in damage to the fence or injury to yourself. Take the time to understand the correct techniques and precautions to maintain a safe and effective process.

Professional Help or DIY?

Deciding whether to tackle fence maintenance as a do-it-yourself project or seek professional help depends on various factors.

Cost considerations

If you have the necessary tools and equipment, sanding and pressure washing can be cost-effective do-it-yourself tasks. However, it is important to evaluate the cost of purchasing or renting the appropriate equipment, as well as any additional materials needed. If you don’t already have these tools or lack the time or expertise, hiring professionals may be worth considering.

Skill and experience required

Sanding and pressure washing require a certain level of skill and experience to ensure satisfactory results. If you are confident in your abilities and have previously undertaken similar tasks, you may be able to handle the maintenance yourself. However, if you are unfamiliar with the processes or have complex issues with your fence, it is advisable to consult professionals who specialize in fence maintenance.

Time constraints

Consider the amount of time you can dedicate to fence maintenance. Sanding and pressure washing can be time-consuming, especially for larger fences or complex issues. Assess whether you have the necessary time and resources to complete the task within your desired timeframe. Hiring professionals can save you time and allow you to focus on other priorities.


Choosing the right method for maintaining your fence is essential to ensure its longevity and appearance. Sanding and pressure washing are two commonly used approaches, each with its pros and cons. Carefully consider factors such as the fence material, dirt buildup, weather conditions, and your time and effort constraints. Additionally, evaluate specific situations that may require sanding or pressure washing, such as loose paint or mildew growth. Combining these methods can provide an effective solution for comprehensive fence maintenance. Remember to prioritize safety, take necessary precautions, and assess whether a professional’s expertise may be beneficial. By conducting regular maintenance, you can keep your fence in great condition, ensuring long-lasting results.