What Is The Best Psi To Pressure Wash A Driveway?

So you’ve decided to give your driveway a thorough clean, but you’re not sure what pressure to set your pressure washer to. Well, fear not! In this article, we will explore the ideal psi (pounds per square inch) to pressure wash your driveway, ensuring that you achieve optimal results without causing any damage. Whether you’re dealing with a concrete or asphalt driveway, we’ve got you covered. Say goodbye to dirt, grime, and stubborn stains, and say hello to a sparkling clean driveway that will be the envy of your neighbors.

Factors to Consider

Pressure washing your driveway can be an effective way to remove dirt, stains, and grime, and restore its original appearance. However, before you start blasting away with a pressure washer, there are several factors you should consider to ensure that you achieve the best results without causing any damage. Taking into account the type of driveway, the level of dirt and stains, the strength of the pressure washer, and your experience and skill level will help you make informed decisions throughout the cleaning process.

Type of Driveway

Not all driveways are created equal, and different materials require different cleaning techniques. Before you begin pressure washing, it’s important to identify the type of driveway surface you have, as this will determine the approach you should take.

Concrete Driveways

Concrete driveways are a popular choice due to their durability and longevity. They can withstand high pressure washing and are generally easy to clean. However, there are still some considerations to keep in mind.

Recommended PSI Range

When pressure washing a concrete driveway, it is generally recommended to use a pressure washer with a psi (pounds per square inch) of around 2,000 to 3,000. This range provides enough power to effectively remove dirt and stains without causing any damage to the concrete surface.

Avoiding Surface Damage

While concrete driveways can handle higher pressure levels, it’s still important to exercise caution to avoid surface damage. To prevent any potential issues, make sure to keep the nozzle of the pressure washer at a safe distance from the concrete, typically around 12 inches. This will help distribute the pressure evenly and minimize the risk of causing cracks or other forms of damage.

Removing Stubborn Stains

Concrete driveways can be prone to stubborn stains such as oil spills or tire marks. To tackle these types of stains, you may need to apply a degreaser or use a specialized detergent designed for concrete surfaces. Allow the solution to soak for a few minutes before using the pressure washer to remove the stain.

Asphalt Driveways

Asphalt driveways have a unique composition that requires a slightly different approach when pressure washing. It’s important to take specific precautions to avoid damaging the surface.

Recommended PSI Range

Pressure washing an asphalt driveway should typically be done with a lower psi range of around 1,500 to 2,500. Asphalt is a more delicate material compared to concrete, and using higher pressures can cause the surface to deteriorate or lead to cracks.

Preventing Surface Erosion

When pressure washing an asphalt driveway, it’s crucial to be mindful of surface erosion. To prevent this, it’s recommended to use a wider nozzle spray pattern and maintain a safe distance of around 18 inches from the surface. These adjustments will help distribute the pressure evenly and minimize the risk of damaging the asphalt.

Cleaning Oil Stains

Oil stains are a common issue on asphalt driveways, especially from vehicles leaking oil. To effectively remove oil stains, consider using a degreaser specifically formulated for asphalt surfaces. Apply the degreaser, allow it to penetrate the stain for a few minutes, and then use the pressure washer at a lower psi to wash away the residue.

Paver or Brick Driveways

Paver or brick driveways add a touch of elegance to any home, but they require special attention when pressure washing to avoid displacement or damage to the surface.

Recommended PSI Range

For paver or brick driveways, it’s best to use a pressure washer with a psi range of around 1,500 to 2,500. This range of pressure is generally sufficient to effectively clean the surface without causing any damage to the individual pavers or bricks.

Avoiding Surface Displacement

When pressure washing paver or brick driveways, it’s important to take care to avoid displacing the stones. Using a wider nozzle spray pattern and keeping the nozzle at a slightly higher angle can help prevent any shifting or movement of the individual pavers or bricks.

Removing Moss and Mildew

Paver or brick driveways are often prone to moss and mildew growth, especially in shaded areas. To effectively remove moss and mildew, consider applying a specialized cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar. Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes before using the pressure washer to rinse away the growth.

Level of Dirt and Stains

The level of dirt and stains on your driveway will influence the cleaning approach you should take. Understanding the various levels of dirt and stains will help determine the amount of pressure and cleaning solution needed.

Light Dirt and Stains

If your driveway only has a light layer of dirt or a few minor stains, a lower pressure setting on the pressure washer, around 1,200 to 1,500 psi, should be sufficient. In some cases, simply using water without any cleaning solution may be enough to remove the light dirt and stains.

Moderate Dirt and Stains

For driveways with a moderate amount of dirt and stains, a pressure washer with a psi range of 1,500 to 2,500 should be effective. Consider using a mild detergent or a specialized cleaning solution designed for outdoor surfaces to assist in loosening and removing the dirt and stains.

Heavy Dirt and Stains

Driveways that have accumulated heavy dirt and stubborn stains may require a higher pressure washer setting, ranging from 2,500 to 3,000 psi. It may also be necessary to use a stronger cleaning solution or a degreaser, depending on the type of stain. Take care to follow the instructions provided with the cleaning solution and avoid using excessive pressure that could potentially cause damage.

Strength of Pressure Washer

The strength of your pressure washer is another crucial factor to consider. There are two main types of pressure washers available, each with its own advantages and considerations.

Gas-Powered Pressure Washers

Gas-powered pressure washers are known for their high power and larger psi range. They are suitable for heavy-duty cleaning tasks, making them a good option for driveways with tough stains or extensive dirt buildup. However, gas-powered pressure washers tend to be louder, bulkier, and require regular maintenance, including fueling and oil changes.

Electric Pressure Washers

Electric pressure washers are generally more lightweight and convenient for residential use. They have a lower psi range compared to gas-powered models, making them suitable for lighter cleaning tasks or driveways with minimal dirt and stains. Electric pressure washers are also quieter, easier to maneuver, and do not require fuel or oil changes. However, they may have limitations in terms of power for tougher cleaning jobs.

Consider your specific cleaning needs and the level of performance you require when choosing between a gas-powered or electric pressure washer.

Experience and Skill Level

Your experience and skill level in pressure washing will also play a role in determining the best approach for cleaning your driveway. If you are new to pressure washing, it’s important to start with lower pressure settings and gradually increase as needed. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the controls and techniques before tackling your driveway to avoid any accidental damage.

If you are unsure about your abilities or have concerns about your driveway’s condition, it may be wise to consult with a professional pressure washing service. They will have the expertise and equipment to assess your driveway’s needs and provide the best cleaning solution without causing any harm.

Expert Recommendations

Concrete Driveways: Experts recommend using a pressure washer with a psi range of 2,000 to 3,000, taking caution to avoid surface damage and using specialized solutions for stubborn stains.

Asphalt Driveways: Professionals suggest a lower psi range of 1,500 to 2,500 to prevent surface erosion, along with using wider nozzle spray patterns and focusing on cleaning oil stains effectively.

Paver or Brick Driveways: Experts advise using a pressure washer with a psi range of 1,500 to 2,500, paying attention to avoiding surface displacement and utilizing appropriate methods for removing moss and mildew.


Pressure washing can be an effective way to revitalize your driveway’s appearance and remove dirt and stains. However, it’s essential to consider the type of driveway surface, level of dirt and stains, strength of the pressure washer, and your experience and skill level before diving into the cleaning process.

By understanding the recommended psi range and specific precautions for concrete, asphalt, and paver or brick driveways, you can ensure a successful pressure washing experience without causing any damage. Additionally, tailoring your approach based on the level of dirt and stains, as well as the strength of your pressure washer, will help achieve optimal results.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to start conservatively and gradually increase pressure if necessary. If you have any doubts or concerns, consulting with professionals will ensure your driveway receives the best care possible. With the right approach, you can achieve a clean and vibrant driveway that enhances the overall curb appeal of your home.